
I developed my plain language writing workshops in response to demand from researchers who wanted training in how to write effectively for non-academic audiences. I’ve since broadened their scope and adapted them for other groups, including policy makers and lawyers. The workshops blend discussion and plenty of challenging, interactive exercises. They explore self-editing techniques, such as learning to cut jargon and excess words, using active verbs and structuring writing so it has the most effect. I also emphasize using the principles of knowledge transfer to improve writing.

I have given workshops across Canada, including at the universities of British Columbia, Alberta, Toronto and Ottawa, and at Dalhousie in Halifax and McGill in Montreal. In 2005, I toured Australia giving workshops to researchers in several cities, at the invitation of the Institute for Health Research in New South Wales and the Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for Emerging Infectious Disease.

Here are some of the very positive evaluations I've received from participants:
Excellent tools!
Loved how you personalized it using our experiences
Structure/content/examples/exercises: 10 out of 10 — very useful!
All excellent — can you come back?
Very clear and thorough.
Clarity: 10 (and the humour mixed in helps, too!)